Tuesday, 3 December 2019


Hack 2 episodes, Want to Read saving…. Share this Rating Title: But maybe that's my blinkered opinion. I think all of the action takes place in Wimbledon and it becomes the key focus of the novel in many ways. Well, that's where I decided I just didn't care that much anymore. Published by Faber and Faber first published the wimbledon poisoner

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Nigel Williams is a black comedy genius.

the wimbledon poisoner

But maybe that's my blinkered opinion. Maisie Farr 2 episodes, Even cliches come fresh once in your life. Refresh and try again.

The Wimbledon Poisoner taught me the exoticism of suburbia

A very bizarre but amusing book. Some of the dialogue and descriptions made me laugh out loud. A pint mug my dear? Like a lot of other reviewers I first read this novel many years ago, and have revisited it recently, largely entirely because I now live in Wimbledon.

For poisoning is not as straightforward as Henry first thought and, as one of the neighbours is not only fascinated by poisons, but is a member of the local police force, he can feel freedom slipping through his fingers.

Henry Farr 2 episodes, Chicken Thallium has disastrous results all right, but Eleanor is not the one who dies. Soon, his friends and neighbours begin falling like dominoes and things begin to get out of control as he continues to fail in killing his wife. He needs to stop, not least because DI Rush from over the road has begun hanging around more often than usual, and Henry is sure that his taciturn nature is just a front for what he really suspects is happening in their quiet neighbourhood….

Mar 06, KA N Newton marked it as to-read.

The Wimbledon Poisoner by Nigel Williams

Henry is, actually, a complex chap, a scatological Pooter, stricken with a chirpier type of malaise than that suffered by Reggie Perrin, his neighbour over Norbiton — but an existential crisis none the less. Learn how your comment data is processed. Poixoner an aside, the edition I read contained an odd authors note that appears to belong to an another Williams novel altogether.

That was the first time I read the Wimbledon Poisoner, not that long after I'd moved here. Arfur Templeton 2 episodes, Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read.

The Wimbledon Poisoner

So I didn't finish it. This confirms to me I'm a little bit warped. Apr 28, Sue rated it it was ok.

Finally decided to but the book - used copy of Amazon third party seller. Lingalonga Boccherini 2 episodes, Matthew Owens Edit Storyline Henry Farr is a mild-mannered solicitor lawyer poiskner lives a rather boring life in the London suburb of Wimbledon.

Soon, Maple Drive, the quiet suburban street where Henry lives, alongside his humorously self-titled neighbours, will never be the same again. Other books in the series. I have been wikbledon to buy a dvd but not seen one listed anywhere yet - why? Donald Templeton 2 episodes, Forty-year-old solicitor Henry Farr is having something of a mid-life crisis. This reminded me of the Wilt books both in dynamic and in overall style.

the wimbledon poisoner

Arfur Templeton 2 episodes, Andy de la Tour It's about a man trying to poison his wife. Well I don't, and I don't.

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